Confident in the Lord

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BEST. EXCELLENT. VERY GOOD. These are opinions. They are subjective. The only person who knows if you did your absolute best is YOU, aside from GOD. At present, criticism is disposable and accessible. It’s like everyone has an opinion even if they are not masters of a certain field, or they do not wield any expert skills at all or closer to it. Sometimes,… Continue reading Confident in the Lord

The Worst Feller

Photo by Harry Cunningham on

Chopping a wood Is an alien activity For me, I was born in a city. So never open your mouth in awe Or scoff when I handled The axe it’s slightly askew That expectedly it couldn’t cut a block in two. Don’t make your voice so loud In an animated tone that you sounded like… Continue reading The Worst Feller

The Confidence of a Bully

Photo by Eleanor Jane on

It just stifles one’s fulfilled, happy, and excited mood when someone puts down any part of one’s body or one’s humanity for that matter. One time when I got a MyBus ride, I was about to tap my card and the driver stopped me and told me that I didn’t need to pay the regular… Continue reading The Confidence of a Bully


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