Politics Is Chaotic

Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com

Among 180 countries in the world, the Philippines ranks 115th in the 2023 Corruptions Perceptions Index of the international social group Transparency International. This ranking is based on the experts’ and business sectors’ perceptions of the public sector of the country. We got a score of 34 out of 100. 0 means clean, and 100 means very corrupt. With that score, it means that our politics and economy are not exceptionally reliable. I mean, haven’t we felt it?

On the contrary, our country seems to be more political than ever. Politicians have become younger, and qualifications have been very loose lately. Ironically, some of our citizens claim to be experts, critics, very opinionated in politics when nothing drastically good is happening in our local communities. I know I sound too pessimistic and too unpatriotic. Moreover, I cannot give a piece of good advice to solve this seemingly unstoppable problem, well who does?

Just a question, why make everything political when obviously we are a failure in the field of politics? I mean, every election time, I always feel stupid when people get to be both defensive and offensive at the same time, like when one chooses to be quiet with their political candidates. If one chooses that one candidate who seems to be the enemy of the majority’s choice, one becomes the target of hate. They encourage you to be involved in a debate when you don’t want to, and when you don’t want to, they conclude that you are not selecting properly, or it’s a dumb choice. I mean, whichever, you are always an enemy because the majority or next to the majority is what matters.

Well, so far, we haven’t seen a radical change in our country. We wish we had, but in the end, we are bound to discover that politicians in the Philippines are professionally unprofessional. They think when they are elected in their positions, they own that certain province, city, municipality, and worse the whole nation. At first, they seem patriotic, and then months later, they show their true color. They start sneaking in their personal vendettas and their own ambitions. Tragically, they forget the people who voted for them and put them in that position. It’s frustrating to live in a country where there’s so much potential, but it’s always gone to waste.

So? Why are we so political? Or why this time, even in other parts of the world, we are so political as if things, nations, and people’s lives have progressed because of it. I hope people don’t treat people as useless beings when they just want to be quiet and choose to live a peaceful and private life. Because honestly, when politics start to stir, there’s a tendency that chaos will commence. So, please…

By matthewtyke2011

think. observe. read. watch. listen. write.

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